Dashboard and calculation the completeness of the commercial cycle
Dashboard is a page of the system that is available to users with the privilege level "content manager" and "owner".
The dashboard contains information about the hourly completeness of the commercial cycle for each screen. There is an options to set the duration (in seconds) of the commercial cycle in screen settings for each screen.
If the commercial cycle duration is not set, then the default value is 300 sec (5 min). 24/7 content is not taking part in calculations, the calculation is based only on the content of playlists. Cycle completeness is calculating hourly (for each hour separately). When calculating completeness of a specific hour, only those playlists that are scheduled on a given day of the week and the broadcast time of which starts before 30 minutes and ends after 30 minutes of a given hour are taken into account.
For example, when calculating the commercial cycle completeness of an hour from 01:00 - 02:00, playlists with such broadcast time will be included in calculation:
00:00 — 03:00
01:29 — 03:00
00:00 — 01:31
01:29 — 01:31
Each of the playlist types have different behavior when calculating its impact on filling.
The duration of the files of the background playlist without any recalculations is added to the commercial cycle completeness. That is, if the duration of the commercial screen cycle is 300 seconds and 1 background playlist is planned, the sum of the duration of the files of which is 150 seconds, then the completeness will show 50%, if the sum of the duration is 300 seconds, then 100%.
When calculating the completeness with a periodic playlist, its periodicity is taken into account according to the formula
i.e. if the sum of the duration of all files is 150 seconds, and the periodicity is 150 seconds, then the completeness will be 100% for the commercial cycle (300 seconds) since the playlist will go on air twice for 150 seconds and, accordingly, will fill all 300 seconds of the cycle.
If the sum of the duration of all files of a periodic playlist is 150 seconds, and the periodicity is 300 seconds, then the fullness is 50%.
If 2 periodic playlists are scheduled on the screen, the sum of the duration of all files for which is 150 seconds, but the periodicity of one is 300 seconds, and the second one is 600, then the completeness of cycle will be 75%.
The occupancy of the cycle with a floating playlist is calculated similarly to the periodic one based on the approximate frequency of outputs.
The occupancy of the cycle with periodic, floating and filling playlists are summed up. That is, if there is scheduled 2 background playlist that fill 15% and 2 periodic at 25% and 2 floating at 35% - then the calculations will show that the cycle is filled with 150% (overflow).
If a block playlist is scheduled on the screen, then on the one hand, any other playlists will not go on the air, and on the other hand, any others will not be taken into account when calculating cycle completeness during block broadcasting time.
To calculate the completeness by block playlist, the duration of the section files multiplied by the number is summed up and divided by the duration of the block.
The dashboard uses 6 colors to indicate the fullness cycle in hour of the ether:
- black - playlists are assigned on the screen, but none of them contain files
- orange - assigned playlists fill the cycle by less than 50%
- green - from 50% to 90%
- blue - 90% - 100%
- red - more than 100% (overflow)
- gray - none of the playlists is released in this hour
Using the air occupancy data on the dashboard, the user is prompted to select screens and the desired period in which the air occupancy is insufficient and assign additional content using the "Plan" button.
After clicking the "Plan" button, a modal window for creating a playlist will appear, with the selected broadcast period and assigned to the selected screens.